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The Blogs Page is where I post rare blogs covering any particular topic. It was blogging on Blogger, under the name, "Caucasianally-Challenged-Christian", that this all began. The site has been retired and I am slowly inserting those blogs on this website. Amazing to see how I reflected on things almost twenty (20) years ago. Like the Start Page, a carousel of images will cycle through, if there is not a specific post mentioned in the page URL.
The main submenu that provides useful links. The links are 1) Avdio; 2) Blogs; 3) About; 4) Folio; 5) Vault; 6) Mojo50; 7) Spreaker; and 8) Rumble. The first five (5) menus are for internal site specific functionality. The remaining three (3) are to helpful external links.

Avdio (explanation of Avdio, here) has live broadcast notes. Blogs (not as frequent) are articles that has my brief attention. About provides a sufficient biography. Folio (only avail on the Avdio and Blogs pages) provides a breakdown of the posts by year and month. Vault is the search engine for the website.

Mojo50 is the radio network and team. Spreaker (Apple Music and iHeartRadio also) is the audio only avenue for Battle4Freedom. Rumble is the video experience of the Battle4Freedom.

There are three (3) main menu items: 1) Menu; 2) Start; and 3) Help. Each will be defined below.

Menu will open a submenu that gives access internal and external resources. Start (the Battle4Freedom logo) will always bring you back to the Home Page. Help opens this current menu window that you are browsing.

At the bottom of the page, is a simplified menu that only provides links to Start, Blogs, Avdio, and Whois. Each will be explained in the following links.

  1. The Start Page.
  2. The Blogs Page.
  3. What does AVDIO Mean?
  4. What is Whois?
The Start Page is self-explanatory. It's the home page. Just click the Battle4Freedom logo at the top of the page (or press the 's' key when not querying the database) and the home page will open.

A carousel of images will cycle through. Clicking the image will take you to the specific post. Other options on the Start Page will be recent links to posts on this website, as well as the latest podcasts (audio only broadcasts) and vodcasts (video and audio broadcasts). The ads are promoting sponsors of Battle4Freedom and businesses that we support.

AVDIO is the combination of the words: audio and video. As the Blogs Page is just meant for normal articles, the AVDIO page is the Vodcasts (video and audio broadcasts). This page contains the topics to be covered in each broadcast. (Pressing the 'a' key, when not querying the database, will open the AVDIO page).
The Whois Page is my brief autobiography. Instead of using About Us, Whois offers the ability to use 'w' key as a shortcut (when not querying the database) because the 'a' key has already been assigned to the AVDIO page. Other projects will be listed on this page to present the range of creativity that the Lord has given me.
Bible in a Year
1 Chronicles 3:10-6:30
How God Fired Trump

Today's topics...

And this is the writing that was inscribed: Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin.

Daniel 5:25

For decades Americans stood in awe of the media mogul that dominated the hearts of countless Americans. From passionate philanthropist to pungent personality to prowess presidency; Donald Trump made an indelible mark in human history. Most attribute this genius to his critically acclaimed best seller, The Art of the Deal.

No man, no woman, not even aliens from outer space could rival the wit of The Donald. So skilled in manipulating his success, he created new dimensions on the path to stardom and god-hood. There was no other direction for The Donald but up! Was this completely of his own doing? No. His unbending followers must also accept the consequences of his deification.

Make no mistake, there was a lot that President Donald J. Trump accomplished in his administration. One of the biggest was removing the United States from the Paris Climate Accords. His tough stance against bullying from other nations also waxed refreshing. At times though, there could have been some humility! He did not have to always be in front.

But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, 'Friend, move up higher.' Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you.

Luke 14:10.

America first was a needed platform to restore this country to its former strength and presence on the world stage. The United States of America needed this boost because previous administrations failed to lead. But the United States and its people needed something more. Humility is what many Americans wanted from Trump but it was not feasible because he was often edging God out (ego). But God will humble the self-exalted!

The early stages of this decline began on March 23rd of 2018, when he signed the 2,232 page omnibus spending bill but warns he will never do this again. (CNN) - Trump: "I will never sign another bill like this again". Link here. Unfortunately, the lie detector proved that to not be true! Even in 2021, the great negotiator and 4d/5d chess grandmaster failed to move the right pawns to master his foe. Before Christmas 2020, Trump stated that he would not sign the latest spending bill, (ABCNews) see link here. Yet, he once again caved and penned America further into debt. (CNN) See link here.

What happened? How did the master champion get championed so horribly? Most will attribute this to the efforts of the Deep State. Make no mistake, there was a concerted effort to diminish the success of Donald Trump from the media, the Left and a whole consort of malcontents who would rather keep their wicked deeds hidden. But to attribute this total collapse solely on the shoulders of the NWO is intellectually compromising.

As a writer and radio host, I am often given unique opportunities to study people and events; which makes for great content. I also need to include that I am a teacher of God's Word, the Bible! This role is far more humbling as I weigh the actions and attitudes of all men (including myself) and women. The last four decades has proven one consistent theme in history: All kingdoms must end! The kingdom of the Donald, the kingdom of MAGA, the kingdom of America has been stamped with its expiration date.

That is what the opening passage reveals. A powerful ruler raised himself higher than God and his days were numbered. In the same way, America is next on the recycling conveyor if its people do not finally, "humble themselves and pray!".

Jesus reiterates this reality that many refuse to hear:

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 14:11.

God is telling the world to stop looking for boogey-men and fear Him or else. Make no mistake, the events that unfolded in last year were permitted by God to get our attention. Any other interpretation is the result of hardened hearts in pride. Remember the last person caught up in pride that exalted himself higher than God?

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! 13 You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; Isaiah 14:12-13.

anger, character, communism, deal, democrats, disaster, donald trump, doubt, election, faith, family, freedom, greed, hate, humble, humility, hyprocisy, insurrection, integrity, introspection, Jesus, kabal, liberty, maga, negotiator, nwo, pride, prison, progressivism, protests, Republican, riots, socialism, spending, trump, usa, warning anger,blogs,character,communism,deal,democrats,disaster,donald trump,doubt,election,faith,family,freedom,greed,hate,humble,humility,hyprocisy,insurrection,integrity,introspection,Jesus,kabal,liberty,maga,negotiator,nwo,pride,prison,progressivism,protests,Republican,riots,socialism,spending,trump,usa,warning
Sat, Jan 9th, 2021 06:02:00Watson Prunier, SOC
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