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The Blogs Page is where I post rare blogs covering any particular topic. It was blogging on Blogger, under the name, "Caucasianally-Challenged-Christian", that this all began. The site has been retired and I am slowly inserting those blogs on this website. Amazing to see how I reflected on things almost twenty (20) years ago. Like the Start Page, a carousel of images will cycle through, if there is not a specific post mentioned in the page URL.
The main submenu that provides useful links. The links are 1) Avdio; 2) Blogs; 3) About; 4) Folio; 5) Vault; 6) Mojo50; 7) Spreaker; and 8) Rumble. The first five (5) menus are for internal site specific functionality. The remaining three (3) are to helpful external links.

Avdio (explanation of Avdio, here) has live broadcast notes. Blogs (not as frequent) are articles that has my brief attention. About provides a sufficient biography. Folio (only avail on the Avdio and Blogs pages) provides a breakdown of the posts by year and month. Vault is the search engine for the website.

Mojo50 is the radio network and team. Spreaker (Apple Music and iHeartRadio also) is the audio only avenue for Battle4Freedom. Rumble is the video experience of the Battle4Freedom.

There are three (3) main menu items: 1) Menu; 2) Start; and 3) Help. Each will be defined below.

Menu will open a submenu that gives access internal and external resources. Start (the Battle4Freedom logo) will always bring you back to the Home Page. Help opens this current menu window that you are browsing.

At the bottom of the page, is a simplified menu that only provides links to Start, Blogs, Avdio, and Whois. Each will be explained in the following links.

  1. The Start Page.
  2. The Blogs Page.
  3. What does AVDIO Mean?
  4. What is Whois?
The Start Page is self-explanatory. It's the home page. Just click the Battle4Freedom logo at the top of the page (or press the 's' key when not querying the database) and the home page will open.

A carousel of images will cycle through. Clicking the image will take you to the specific post. Other options on the Start Page will be recent links to posts on this website, as well as the latest podcasts (audio only broadcasts) and vodcasts (video and audio broadcasts). The ads are promoting sponsors of Battle4Freedom and businesses that we support.

AVDIO is the combination of the words: audio and video. As the Blogs Page is just meant for normal articles, the AVDIO page is the Vodcasts (video and audio broadcasts). This page contains the topics to be covered in each broadcast. (Pressing the 'a' key, when not querying the database, will open the AVDIO page).
The Whois Page is my brief autobiography. Instead of using About Us, Whois offers the ability to use 'w' key as a shortcut (when not querying the database) because the 'a' key has already been assigned to the AVDIO page. Other projects will be listed on this page to present the range of creativity that the Lord has given me.
Bible in a Year
1 Chronicles 3:10-6:30
Lessons from Wuhan Virology
Repeating errors never brings success if we cannot see where we went wrong.

There are many blogs out there talking about what to do in midst of this disaster and many never take into consideration the finances/money of the common American family. Their intentions may not be malicious, but we need to start driving people to enjoy their free will but also commit to the daily introspection of the poor decisions that leave them paralyzed to survive. It is time to put pride aside and get serious about our proactive plans to avoid being crushed in the coming stampede.

While economies fall at the speed of this germ warfare, the self-entitled global elitists are having an orgasm at the effectively high casualty rate. Even the climate change activists are giddy with the delight as their own species are dropping their greenhouse emissions from unemployment to the grave.

Yet, the biggest losers are the self-proclaimed survivalists and those well-intentioned. This is not for those who mocked prepping because many still despise everything associated with preparedness:

  • Faith in Jesus
  • Liberty
  • Patriotism
  • and Guns

This current pandemic has revealed how much time, we have wasted in menial tasks and events that inched us away from solid preparedness for the SHTF! Be honest, how many extra tv series did you stream in the last few years? How much time was wasted on national sports or console play? Recreational vacationing?

Life happens but we can find where we spent more time enjoying than enriching. Prepping became laborious and seemingly useless as we waiting anxiously for the ball to drop during the feudal reign of the messiah from Chicago. We got lax and we got busy.

When we should have been building alternative communications networks, private organizations have been building 5G technology with little to no resistance. Behind the 8-ball on short tech? We all could reflect on how we may not have shored up our ability to communicate when the main systems, we have relied on, go down.

Food independence? Were we frantically shopping for basic needs? Pay attention to the people monitoring you in the markets and possibly following you to your domicile with tons of supplies? How many people having you braggingly told about your self-sufficiency?

Is your retreat protected or compromised? Those banners on our vehicles, those hats we wear and the things we post have been breadcrumbs for the predators letting us do all the work! We, all, have to rethink how we do and say things.

Never expose our posse online because behavioral analysis tools like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube have allowed you to map out our every move.

Keep our conversations about what guns we own to a minimum. By now, if we haven't read about H.R. 5717, we are living under a rock. Is it an assault against our freedom of speech to talk about what we have? Yes, but why show all our cards while we have traitors governing our affairs? Stay away from those ready to fight without a solid plan on how to succeed. Seriously, who do we have talking in our ears? Many we cheer us into conflict and retreat quickly as we stand alone embarrassed we didn't see their treachery sooner.

Let’s do some serious introspection and figure out how we became so harmful to ourselves in apathy and indifference! Don't look at the current lockdown as a loss of life but a means of restricting your management skills. In two (2) years, we will have a chance to do this all over again. I pray we are not in the same position!

blogs,disaster,finances,free will,introspection,Jesus,management,money,pride,waste
Sat, Apr 4th, 2020 09:46:00Watson Prunier, SOC
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